“First, do no harm” in the February 18, 2019 issue of America Magazine https://www.americamagazine.org/arts-culture/2019/02/08/review-ethics-medicine
“Do Women Regret Giving Birth When the Baby is Doomed to Die?” Public Discourse 1/23/19
“Coitus, But Not Other Kinds of Sexual Activity, Promotes Health” 11/6/18 https://www.thepublicdiscourse.com/2018/11/44732/
“Jordan Peterson and the Heroic Patriarch Abraham” National Catholic Register 10/3/18
“Jordan Peterson Takes on the Tower of Babel” 9/12/18 National Catholic Register
“Jordan Peterson, Noah and the Flood” 8/1/18 National Catholic Register 94.16 p.11
“Jordan Peterson on Cain and Abel” The Public Discourse 6/21/18
“Marital Friendship and the Procreation of Children” National Catholic Register 5/27/18
“Protecting the Vulnerable” America: The Jesuit Review 5/14/18
“Jordan Peterson on Adam and Eve” The Public Discourse 4/5/18 http://www.thepublicdiscourse.com/2018/04/21281/
Reposted: https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/jordan-peterson-takes-a-stab-at-adam-and-eve
“The Ostrich Defense of Abortion” The Public Discourse, 2/22/2018 http://www.thepublicdiscourse.com/2018/02/20701/
Brandon Vogt’s Why I am a Catholic Review in America Magazine: The Jesuit Review v.217, no.12 (11/27/17) p.52
“How to You Nudge Nones?” America Magazine https://www.americamagazine.org/arts-culture/2017/11/15/how-do-you-nudge-religious-none-catholic-heres-one-possible-way
(Forward)…And So We Pray 2: Supporting Young Adults through the College Years. By Maribeth Harper. PCM Press, 2017.“The Church and Science” The Catholic Thing 8/10/17 https://www.thecatholicthing.org/2017/08/10/the-church-and-science/
“Adventures in Philosophy at Notre Dame” The Catholic Thing 4/1/17
“The Seven Big Myths about Marriage” Bookmarks on EWTN television 2/27/16
Pope Francis, Donald Trump, and Zika on Air Talk with Larry Elder 2/18/16
Gender Neutral Campus Housing, Susan Synder, Philadelphia Inquirer 2/16/16
The Zika Virus and the Catholic Church, Laurie Goodstein, New York Times 2/14/16
“The Gospel of Happiness” Son Rise Morning Show, Radio Interview, 2/10/16
“Zika Outbreak Raises Ethical Questions” Our Sunday Visitor 2/5/16
“Is Loyola Marymount University Losing its Catholic Identity?” Catholic World Report 1/18/16 ”
“A widely read recent piece in Catholic World Report by Christopher Kaczor, a professor of philosophy at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, raised sobering questions about whether LMU can, or will, remain ‘Catholic’ in anything but name. Kaczor noted that only 24 percent of faculty at LMU are now Catholic, and they tend to be the oldest members of the faculty. The increasingly non-Catholic ethos on campus, Kaczor argued, shows up in a variety of ways, and he predicted that if things continue unchecked, ‘the process of secularization will be completed within a generation.’ To be clear, the essay was neither alarmist nor antagonistic, but a rather straight-forward reading of the situation.” John Allen, Jr., “All Things Catholic” The Boston Globe, 1/23/16
“Abortion, Law, and Murder” The Catholic Thing 12/19/15
“God, Human Rights, and the Declaration of Independence” Colorado University Bolder Center for Values and Social Policy 11/16/15
“Celebrating the Remarkable Intellectual Achievements of John Finnis” Public Discourse 10/8/15
“Pope Francis, Ignatius Loyola, and Positive Psychology” Patheos 9/26/15
“‘The Gospel of Happiness’: How Faith and Positive Psychology Work Together” National Review Online 9/16/15
“The Gospel of Happiness: Interview with Brandon Vogt” Timeless Truths, New Media 9/15/15
“Is Lying Ever Justified?” Public Discourse 9/2/15
“The Gospel of Happiness: Author Q&A with Christopher Kaczor” America Magazine 9/2/15
“Does Belief in God Enhance Gratitude?” Washington Post 8/22/2015
“Honey Not Vinegar” America Magazine, 8/31/2015-9/7/2015
“Nobody is a Nobody” The Tidings June 26, 2015
“The Myth of the Vampire Children” First Things No.250 February 2015 pg.17-18.
“If There is no God, are Humans Equal?“ First Things No.249 January 2015 pg.66-67.
“Protecting the Vulnerable” A Review of John Keown’s The Law and Ethics of Medicine Public Discourse, 1/22/2015
“Love and Unity” A Review of Alexander Pruss’s One Body on Public Discourse 11/18/13
“Mixed Messages” The Tidings: Southern California’s Catholic Weekly 10/19/13
“The Last First Holy Communion” The Tidings: Southern California’s Catholic Weekly 5/31/13
“Temptation vs. Willpower” The Tidings: Southern California’s Catholic Weekly 4/26/13
“How to Get More out of Mass” Our Sunday Visitor, 4/14/13 http://m.osv.com/Home/Article?itemId=10732&ref=rss
“Strengthening a Catholic College’s Catholic Identity” The Tidings: Southern California’s Catholic Weekly 3/19/13
“An Open Letter to the Pope Emeritus” The Tidings: Southern California’s Catholic Weekly 3/15/13
“Finding Willpower” OSV Newsweekly 3/17/13
“Abortion and Jesuit Social Justice” The Tidings: Southern California’s Catholic Weekly 3/8/13
“Remembering Ralph McInerny” Crisis Magazine 1/28/13 http://www.crisismagazine.com/2013/remembering-ralph-mcinerny
“The Measure of True Happiness” Our Sunday Visitor 12/6/12 pg 9-11. http://www.osv.com/tabid/7621/itemid/10276/The-measure-of-true-happiness.aspx
“The End of the Pro-Life Physcian” http://www.truthandcharityforum.org/the-end-of-the-pro-life-physician/ 12/5/12
“Strategies for Reducing Binge Drinking and a Hook up Culture on Campus” Studies in Catholic Higher Education, October 2012, pg. 1-16.
Daily Reflections for August, My Daily Visitor, July/August 2012
“The Perils of Polygamy” 5/21/12 http://www.thepublicdiscourse.com/2012/05/5338
“Positive Psychology and Pastoral Practice” Homiletic and Pastoral Review 4/29/12 http://www.hprweb.com/2012/04/positive-psychology-and-pastoral-practice/
“The Importance of Dignity: A Reply to Steven Pinker” 1/31/12 http://www.thepublicdiscourse.com/2012/01/4540
“Erotic Love and Contraception” CANFP News Winter 2012, pg.1, 14-15.
“Let’s Talk about Abortion: A Response to Dennis O’Brien” 9/21/12 http://www.thepublicdiscourse.com/2011/09/3998
“Equal Rights, Unequal Wrongs” First Things August/September 2011, pg.21-23.
“A Stepp in the Wrong Direction” National Review 6/17/11 http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/269913/stepp-wrong-direction-christopher-kaczor
“Christian Parents and the HPV Vaccine” First Things: On the Square June 2, 2011
“Rethinking Single Sex Dorms” First Things: On the Square May 12, 2011
“Equal Rights for All, Born and Unborn” The Public Discourse, April 1, 2011
“Abortion and Justice” The Catholic Thing, March 3, 2011
“In Defense of Live Action” The Public Discourse, February 11, 2011
“The Fatal Position” The Public Discourse, January 10, 2011
“And What’s More…[Remembering Ralph McInerny]” Notre Dame Magazine, Winter 2010-11, pg.22-23
“Catholic Church: Is it the ‘greatest force for evil’? Our Sunday Visitor Newsweekly, December 26, 2010, 6-7.
“Does the Catholic Church Hate Women?” in Catholic Controversies: Understanding Church Teachings and Events in History. Edited by Stephen Gabriel. Moorings Press, 2010, pg.338-346.
“Abortion, Conscience, and Doctors” The Public Discourse, October 29, 2010
“Protecting Doctor’s Choices and Consciences” U.S. Catholic October 5, 2010
“Does the Catholic Church Oppose Science?” Our Sunday Visitor Newsweekly (October 3, 2010) 5.
“Poking Holes in Proposition 8 Ruling’s Logic” Our Sunday Visitor Newsweekly (August 29, 2010) 4.
“Celibacy Isn’t the Problem” This Rock (September-October 2010) 16-21.
“How to Find Happiness” Columbia Vol.90, no.7 (July 2010) 21-23.
“Did the Catholic Church Change its Teaching on the Death Penalty?” This Rock (July-August 2010) 26-29.
“How to Find Happiness” Columbia Vol.90, no.7 (July 2010) 21-23.
“LMU’s Distinctly Catholic Mission?” Loyolan (April 2009)
“Whose Deluded? An Atheist Just Doesn’t Get Aquinas” This Rock (March 2009) 12-17.
“Dignitas Personae: Equal Human Dignity” The Tidings (December 19, 2008) 5.
“Defending Faith and Reason” Columbia v.88, n.12 (December 2008) 22-23.
“Pro-Life Doctors: A New Oxymoron?” First Things: On the Square (April 8, 2008).
“Man Needs Hope to Live” This Rock (April 2008): 26-29.
“The Sin of Greed: When We Worship the Golden God” This Rock (March 2008): 23-27.
“God of Desire: Benedict XVI’s God is Love” This Rock (September 2007): 24-29.
“Seven Principles of Catholic Social Teaching” This Rock (April 2007): 22-28.
“A Pope’s Answer to the Problem of Pain” This Rock (January 2007): 4-7.
“Build the Culture of Life: John Paul II’s Evangelium Vitae” This Rock (October 2006): 26-29.
“Did the Church Change Its Stance on Usury?” This Rock (July/August 2006): 40-41.
“The Truth Will Make You Free: John Paul II on Freedom, Happiness, and the Meaning of Life” This Rock
(July/August 2006): 24-28.
“Ten Commandments for Health Care Professionals” This Rock (May/June 2006): 18-20.
“Does the Catholic Church Hate Women?” This Rock (March 2006): 20-26.
“Philosophy 101 Taught by Pope John Paul II” This Rock (February 2006): 22-25.
“Benedict and Bioethics” St. Austin Review vol.5, no.6 (Nov.-Dec. 2005): 12-14.
“1000 Years: Communal Examination of Conscience” Catholic Dossier: Issues in the Round Vol. 5, No. 6 (Nov.-Dec. 1999): 15-16.
“Marriage as a Sacrament” Catholic Dossier: Issues in the Round, vol. 5, no. 1 (Jan.-Feb. 1999): 25-27.
“The Virtuous Men of the Cloth” Catholic Dossier: Issues in the Round, vol.4, no.4 (July-August 1998): 62.
“No Rigid Separation” Translated and edited excerpts from the speeches of German Chancellor Helmut Kohl on a Christian’s role in politics. Catholic World Report (June 1998): 60-61.
“The Intended and the Unexpected” in Aspects of German Politics, Society, and History: American Perceptions. (Bonn: Alexander Von Humbolt Stiftung, 1998), 37-41.
“Strange New Faith” Cathoic World Report (April 1998): 64.
“The Holy (Grand) Father by Sr. Mary O’Dernity” Catholic Dossier: Issues in the Round vol. 4, No. 2, (March/April
1998): 69.
“The International Theological Institute: A Top Notch Graduate School Education” Catholic Dossier vol. 3, no. 4 (July-Aug. 1997): 41-43.
Brian Anderson, (ed.)The Pope in America in Catholic Dossier: Issues in the Round 2.5 (Sept./Oct, 1996): 67.
Mark Shea, This is My Body. in Catholic Dossier: Issues in the Round 2.4 (Sept./Oct. 1996): 68.
“John Paul II on the Laity” Catholic Dossier: Issues in the Round vol.2, no. 4 (July/Aug.1996): 48-49.
“Mary’s Freedom from the Fall” Catholic Dossier: Issues in the Round vol. 2, no. 3 (May/June 1996): 23-25.
“A Modest Proposal by Sr. Mary O’Dernity” Catholic Dossier: Issues in the Roundvol.2, no. 2 (March/April, 1996): 49-50.
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“Priestly Credentials” Crisis 10 (July-Aug. 1992): 37-38.
“Inclusive Language and Revealed Truth” Homiletic & Pastoral Review vol. 92, no. 7 (April 1992): 16-20.
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