Articles, 1950-1959


“The Green Knight’s Harts and Bucks.” Modern Language Notes 65 (Dec. 1950): 536-39.

“J.S. Mill’s Pariah Poet.” Philology Quarterly 29 (July 1950): 333-44. Rpt in RRT 237-54.

“Myth and the Cabalas: Adventures in the Unspoken.” Modern Schoolman 27 (Mar. 1950): 169-83. Rpt as “The Myth of Myth: Dialogue with the Unspoken” in BW 131-48.


“Bogey Sticks for Pogo Men.” America 13 Jan. 1951: 434-35.

“Hobbes and Talon’s Ramist Rhetoric in English.” Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society 1(Part 3) (1951): 260-69.

“The Lady and the Issue.” Month 192 (Dec. 1951): 358-70. Rpt in Cross Currents 2 (Spring 1952): 17-26; and in abridged form as “Assumption and Separatism” in Theology Digest (May 1952): 12; and as “Mariendogma als Prufstein” in Dokumente 8 (1952): 235-46; and as “La Dame et l’Enjeu.” Trans. Antoine Lauras, S.J. Psyche: Revue International des Sciences de l’Homme et de Psychanalyse 8.77-78 (mars-avril 1953): 156-71; and in IHG 188-202. Response to “La Dame et l’Enjeu”: Romea, Anne. “Reponse au R.P. Ong par le Conseil de l’Alliance Jeanne d’Arc.” Pysche 8 (mai 1953): 282-88. Ong’s reply: “Reponse du P. Ong.” Psyche 8 (mai 1953): 289

“Psyche and the Geometers: Aspects of Associationist Critical Theory.” Modern Philology 49 (Aug. 1951): 16-27. Rpt in revised form as “Psyche and the Geometers: Associationist Critical Theory” in RRT 213-36.


“A.M.D.G.: Dedication or Directive?” Review for Religious 15 Sept. 1952: 257-64. Rpt in Review for Religious 50 (1991): 35-42; and in FC3 1-8.

“American Catholicism and America.” Thought 27 (Winter 1952): 521-41. Rpt in abridged form as “Les Etats-Unis et le Catholicisme Américain.” Trans. Madelaine Brosset. La Vie Intellectuelle 25 (janvier 1954): 135-53; and as “The American Catholic Complex” in FC1 19-37.

“La Famille Americaine.” Trans. R.P. Antoine, S.J. Foyers: Revue de la Ramille Ouverte Spiritualité des Laïcs 32 (mars 1952): 109-12.

“The Mechanical Bride:  Christen the Folklore of Industrial Man.” Review article of The Mechanical Bride: Folklore of Industrial Man. By Herbert Marshall McLuhan. Social Order 2 (Feb. 1952): 79-85.  Rpt as “In a Way, the Angels have a Greater Social Problem Than Even Industrial Man” in McLuhan: Hot & Cool:  A Primer for the Understanding of and a Critical Symposium with a Rebuttal by McLuhan. Ed. Gerald Emanuel Stearn. New York: Dial P, 1967.  82-92; also as “Il y a Chez les Anges un Probleme Social plus Grave que Chez l’Homme Industriel” in Pour ou Contre McLuhan. Presente par Gerald Emanuel Stearn. Trans. G. Durand and P.Y. Pettilon. Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1969. 79-88.

“Les Etats-Unis et l’Apolstolat du Monde des Affaires.” Trans. Madeleine Brosset. Études 273.5 (mai 1952): 231-40. Rpt as “An Apostolate of the Business World” in FAC 24-34; and in FC1 38-46.


“La Jeunesse dans un Pays Jeune.” Échanges no. 12 (Assomption 1953): 17-19.

“Les Retraites en Amérique.” Au Cénacle no. 5 (novembre 1953): 14-18.

“Peter Ramus and the Naming of Methodism: Medieval Science Through Ramist Homiletic.” Journal of the History of Ideas 14 (Apr. 1953): 235-48. Rpt in FC2 38-51.


“Fouquelin’s French Rhetoric and the Ramist Vernacular Tradition.” Studies in Philology 51 (Apr. 1954): 127-42.

“The Jinnee in the Well-Wrought Urn.” Essays in Criticism 4 (July 1954): 309-20. Response to Ong’s article by R.F. Storch and Ong’s reply to Storch. Essays in Criticism 5 (Apr. 1955): 193-95. Rpt in The New Orpheus: Essays Toward a Christian Poetic. Ed. Nathan A. Scott, Jr. New York: Sheed and Ward, 1964. 210-22; in Quartet: A Book of Stories, Plays, Poems, and Critical Essays. Ed. Harold P. Simonson. New York: Harper and Row, 1973. 918-27; and in BW 15-25.

“Johannes Piscator: One Man or a Ramist Dichotomy?” Harvard Library Bulletin 8 (Spring 1954): 151-62.

“Ramus et le Monde Anglo-Saxon d’Aujourd’hui.” Trans. Madelaine Brosset. Revue de Littérature Comparée 28 (janvier-mars 1954): 57-66. Rpt as “Ramus and the Transit to the Modern Mind” in Modern Schoolman 32 (May 1955): 301-11.

“Ramus: Rhetoric and the Pre-Newtonian Mind.” English Institute Essays 1952. Ed. Alan S. Downer. New York: Columbia UP, 1954. 138-70. Rpt in Literary Criticism: Idea and Act: The English Institute, 1939-1972, Selected Essays. Ed. William K. Wimsatt. Berkeley: U of California P, 1974. 128-48. This paper was first read for Ong by Phillip Wheelright of Dartmouth College at the English Institute at Columbia University, 9-12 Sept. 1952, under the title “Ramus: The Clunch Fist of Method.”

“Renaissance Ideas and the Catholic Mind.” Thought 29 (Autumn 1954): 327-56. Rpt in The McAuley Lectures, 1954: Christian Humanism in Letters. West Hartford: St. Joseph College, 1954. 23-47; in The McAuley Lectures: First Series, 1953-1959. Preface Anton C. Pegis. West Hartford: St. Joseph College, 1961. 44-67; in FAC 52-85; and as “The Renaissance Myth and the American Catholic Mind” in FC1 47-74. Delivered as a McAuley Lecture at St. Joseph College, West Hartford, CT in 1954.

“St. Ignatius’ Prison-Cage and the Existentialist Situation.” Theological Studies 15 (Mar. 1954): 34-51. Rpt in BW 242-59; and in FC2 52-67.

“Swift on the Mind: The Myth of Asepsis.” Modern Language Quarterly 15 (Sept. 1954): 208-21. Rpt as “Swift on the Mind: Satire in a Closed Field” in RRT 190-212.


“Contrasts in Catholicism.” Commonweal 2 Dec. 1955: 215-19. Rpt in FAC 35-51; and in FC1 75-87.

“Metaphor and the Twinned Vision: The Phoenix and the Turtle.” Sewanee Review 63 (Spring 1955): 193-201. Rpt as “Metaphor and the Twinned Vision” in BW 41-48.

“Père Cossart, du Monstier, and Ramus’ Protestantism in the Light of a New Manuscript.” Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu (Rome) Anno 24, fasc. 47 (Ian.-Iun. 1955): 140-64.

“Space and Intellect in Renaissance Symbolism.” Explorations: Studies in Culture and Communications no. 4 (Feb. 1955): 95-100. Rpt in revised form as “System, Space and Intellect in Renaissance Symbolism.” Bibliothèque d’Humanisme et Renaissance (Geneva) 18 (May 1956): 222-39; and in Cross Currents 7 (Spring 1957): 123-36; in BW 68-87; and in FC3 9-27.


“Christian Values at Mid-Twentieth Century.” Theology Digest 4 (Autumn 1956): 155-57. Prepared originally as “Christian Humanistic Values at Mid-Twentieth Century,” one of the paper in Statements by Members of the CCICA[Catholic Commission on Intellectual and Cultural Affairs] on Values in Our Society, issued in mimeographed form in Mar. 1956 by the Catholic Commission on Intellectual and Cultural Affairs.

“Grammar and the Twentieth Century.” Problems of Communication in a Pluralistic Society: Papers Delivered at a Conference on Communication, the fourth in a series of Anniversary Celebrations, Mar. 20, 21, 22, and 23, 1956. Ed. Reynolds C. Seitz. Milwaukee: Marquette UP, 1956. 23-40. Rpt in revised form as “Grammar Today: ‘Structure’ in a Vocal World” in The Quarterly Journal of Speech 43 (Dec. 1957): 399-407; and as “Grammar in the Twentieth Century” in BW 164-76.

“The Intellectual Frontier.” The Catholic Church, U.S.A. Ed. Louis J. Putz, C.S.C. Chicago: Fides, 1956. 394-415.


“The Catholic Church’s Interest in Knowledge and Research.” Hospital Progress 38 (June 1957): 50+. Rpt in revised form in Bulletin of the Albertus Magnus Guild (Spring Hill College, Mobile, AL) 6 (Apr. 1959): 3-4; and in Exchange: The Official Publication of the National Association of Newman Club Chaplains 5 (Mar.-Apr. 1960): 4-8.

“Education and the Tradition of Learning.” The Fourth Ansley Memorial Lecture: The J.W. Memorial Lecture for 1957 given for the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation in Hamilton, Ontario, 4 Oct. 1957. The Bulletin Published by the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation 37 (Dec. 1957): 341-44; 375-77. Rpt as “Educationists and the Tradition of Learning” in The Journal of Higher Education 29 (Feb. 1958): 59-69, 115; and in BW 149-63.

“On Being Aware: A Letter to a Catholic Student Interested in the Growth of Catholic Literature and Culture.” The Newman Annual, 1956-57. Minneapolis: Newman Foundation at U of Minnesota, 1957. 84-85.

“Scholarly Research and Publication in the Jesuit College and University.” Jesuit Educational Quarterly 30 (Oct. 1957): 69-84. Rpt in The Teacher and Scholar in Jesuit Institutions: Three Papers Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Jesuit Education Association, Marquette University, 21-22 Apr. 1957. 13-28.

“Secular Knowledge, Revealed Religion, and History.” A Symposium: Contributions of Various Diciplines to Theology and Religion, III. Religious Education 52 (Sept.-Oct. 1957): 341-49. Rpt in abridged form in Theology Digest 6 (Spring 1958): 87-89; and as “Secular Knowledge and Revealed Religion” in ACC 74-95.


“A Dialectic of Aural and Objective Correlatives.” Essays in Criticism 8 (Apr. 1958): 166-81. Rpt in Cross Currents 8 (Summer 1958): 233-42; in BW 26-40; in Approaches to the Poem: Modern Essays in the Analysis and Interpretation of Poetry. Ed. John Oliver Perry. San Francisco: Chandler P, 1965. 242-58; in Perspectives on Poetry. Ed. James L. Calderwood and Harold E. Toliver. New York: Oxford UP, 1968. 119-31; in Critical Theory Since Plato. Ed. Hazard Adams. New York: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1971. 1158-1166; in Twentieth Century Literary Criticism: A Reader. Ed. David Lodge. London: Longman Group Ltd., 1972. 497-502; in FC3 28-42.  Also, translated into Arabic for rpt in Fusul: Journal of Literary Criticism (Cairo, Egypt) Part 1, vol. 10.1-2 (July-Aug. 1991): no. 31:1-11.

“Differentiated Programs in Catholic Education.” National Catholic Educational Association Bulletin 55.1 (Aug. 1958): 114-20. Paper delivered before the College and University Department of the NCEA, 8 Apr. 1958.

“Man Between Two Worlds: St. Paul, the Paulists, and American Catholicism.” Catholic World 187 (May 1958): 86-94. Rpt as “Father Hecker and the American Situation” in ACC 56-73. “Man Between Two Worlds” is a slightly revised form of the sermon preached 25 Jan. 1958 at Old Saint Mary’s Church, Chicago, at the Centennial Pontifical Mass of Thanksgiving for the clergy celebrating the hundreth anniversary of the founding of the Missionary Society of St. Paul the Apostle (Paulist Fathers).

“The Reaches of History.” Commonweal 15 Aug. 1958: 487-90.

“The Religious-Secular Dialogue.” Religion in America: Original Essays on Religion in a Free Society. Ed. John Cogley. New York: Meridian Books, 1958. 170-207. Rpt as “Religious-Secular Dialogue in a Pluralist Society” in ACC 29-55; and as “Second Edition: Secular and Religious” in Center Magazine (Santa Barbara, CA) 8 (July-Aug. 1975): 69-77. Originally read at the Seminar on Religion in a Free Society sponsored by the Fund for the Republic at the World Affairs Center in New York City, 5-9 May 1958.

“That American Way.” America 22 Nov. 1958: 238-41. Sequel: “State of the Question: Looking Hard and Long at the Ugly American.” America 7 Feb. 1959: 546-48. Rpt in condensed form as “Our ‘American Way'” in Catholic Digest 23 (Mar. 1959): 84-88; and with slight abridgement as “What is Wrong with the ‘American Attitude'” in Freedom and Union 14 (Mar. 1959): 4-7; and with revision as “That American Way” in Literary Types and Themes. Ed. Maurice B. McNamee, S.J., James E. Cronin, and Joseph A. Rogers. New York: Rinehart, 1960. 258-62; and in Between Two Cities: God and Man in America. Ed. Fathers of the Society of Jesus, Thurston N. Davis, Donal R. Campion, L.C. McHugh. Chicago: Loyola UP, 1962. 171-81. Also rpt in abridged form in various newspapers, including St. Louis Post-Dispatch 30 Nov. 1958: editorial page; Louisville Courier-Journal 5 Dec. 1958; Jacksonville (FL) Times-Union 7 Dec. 1958.

“Voice as Summons for Belief: Literature, Faith, and the Divided Self.” Thought 33 (Spring 1958): 43-61. Rpt in Literature and Belief. Ed. with a foreword by M.H. Abrams. New York: Columbia UP, 1958. 80-105; in Literature and Religion. Ed. Giles B. Gunn. New York: Harper and Row, 1971. 68-86; in BW 49-67; and in FC2 68-84.


“The Challenge of Growing Knowledge.” National Catholic Welfare Conference syndicated 1959 Supplement no. 1, released 15 July 1959, and carried in a large number of Catholic periodicals throughout the United States, including Catholic Herald Citizen 25 July 1959, Southwest Courier 1 Aug. 1959, Steubenville (OH) Register 21 Aug. 1959, and St. Louis Review 28 Aug. 1959.

“Christians Confront Technology.” America 26 Sept. 1959: 764-65. Article is the last part of a three-part article (p. 761-65). Part I is by W. Norris Clarke, Part II by Gustave Weigel, and Part III by Ong. Ong also wrote a letter to the editor of America following the publication of this three-part article: “Footnote on Evolution,” America 3 Oct. 1959: 1. Rpt in Between Two Cities: God and Man in America. Ed. Fathers of the Society of Jesus, Thurston N. Davis, Donald R. Campion, and L.C. McHugh. Chicago: Loyola UP, 1962. 297-302.

“The Declining Role of Literacy: Why New Aural-Oral Age of Communications May Be Developing.” St. Louis Dispatch 19 Apr. 1959: 5B.

“The Eternal Spring of Thought.” Saturday Review 22 Aug. 1959: 26.

“Evolution and Cyclicism in Our Time.” Thought 34 (Winter 1959-60): 547-68. Rpt in revised form in Darwin’s Vision and Christian Perspectives. Ed. with intro. by Ong and with foreword by John Wright. New York: Macmillan, 1960. 125-48; in IHG 61-82; in Reading for Understanding. 3rd ed. Ed. Maurice B. McNamee. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1968. 255-74; and in FC2 85-103.

“From Allegory to Diagram in the Renaissance Mind: A Study in the Significance of the Allegorical Tableau.” The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 17 (June 1959): 423-40.

“Is Literacy Passé?” Saturday Review 28 Nov. 1959: 28. Rpt in Central States Speech Journal 11 (1960): 166-67; in Studies in Prose Writing. Ed. James R. Kreuzer and Lee Cogan. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1961. 154-57; and in Problems and Controversies in Television and Radio: Basic Readings. Ed. Harry J. Skornia and Jack William Kitson. Palo Alto: Pacific, 1968. 209-11.

“Latin Language Study as a Renaissance Puberty Rite.” Studies in Philology 56 (Apr. 1959): 103-24. Rpt in Education and Culture: Anthropological Approaches. Ed. George D. Spindler. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1963. 444-66; and in RRT 113-41.

“Personalism and the Wilderness.” Kenyon Review 21 (Spring 1959): 297-304. Rpt in BW 233-41.