Reviews, 1950-1959


Rev. of Literature and Theology in Colonial New England. By Kenneth B. Murdock. Theological Studies 11 (June 1950): 296-97.

Rev. of Symbol and Metaphor in Human Experience. By Martin Foss. Modern Schoolman 27 (May 1950): 326-29.


Rev. of La Renaissance dans la Pensee Historique. By W.K. Ferguson. Etudes 270 (septembre 1951): 272-73.


Rev. of The Wars of Truth: Studies in the Decay of Christian Humanism in the Earlier Seventeenth Century. By Herschel Baker. Social Order 3 (Mar. 1953): 138.

Rev. of The Place of Hooker in the History of Thought. By Peter Munz. The Month 9 (June 1953): 366-67.


Rev. of Tomorrow is Already Here. By Robert Jungk. Trans. Marguerite Waldman. Intro Herbert Agar. Thought 29 (Winter 1954-55): 597-98.

Rev. of What Europe Thinks of America, By a Panel of Influential Europeans. Ed. with intro. by James Burnham. Social Order 4 (Apr. 1954): 181-82.


Rev. of The Beguines and Beghards in Medieval Culture With Special Emphasis on the Belgian Scene. By Ernest W. McDonnell. The Historical Bulletin 34 (Nov. 1955): 38.

Rev. of Niccolo Perotti’s Version of the Enchiridion of Epictetus, with an Introduction and List of Perotti’s Writings. Ed. Revilo Pendleton Oliver. The Classical Bulletin 34 (Nov. 1955): 11-12.

Rev. of The Self-Made Man in America: The Myth of Rags to Riches. By Irvin G. Wyllie. The Classical Bulletin 31 (Apr. 1955): 70.

Rev. of St. Ignatius’ Idea of a Jesuit University: A Study in the History of Catholic Education. By George E. Ganss, S.J. The Classical Bulletin 31 (Apr. 1955): 70.

Rev. of Time in Literature. By Hans Meyerhoff. Thought 30 (Winter 1955-56): 626-30.


Rev. of Claudel et Son Art d’Ecrire. By Henri Guillemin. Renascence 8 (Summer 1956): 208-09.

Rev. of The Crisis of the Early Italian Renaissance: Civic Humanism and Republican Liberty in an Age of Classicism and Tyranny. by Hans Baron. The Historical Bulletin 34 (May 1956): 232-33.

Rev. of Dictionary of Early English. By Joseph T. Shipley. The Classical Bulletin 32 (Jan. 1956): 35.

Rev. of Leicester, Patron of Letters. By Elenor Rosenberg. The Historical Bulletin 34 (May 1956): 240-41.

Rev. of Logic and Rhetoric in England. By Wilbur Samuel Howell. Renaissance News 9 (Winter 1956-57): 206-11.

Rev. of The New Woman: Her Emergence in English Drama, 1600-1730. By Jean Elizabeth Gagen. The Historical Bulletin 34 (May 1956): 234-35.

Rev. of Studies in the Italian Renaissance. By B.L. Ullman. The Classical Journal 51 (Jan. 1956): 188-89.

Rev. of The Ulysses Theme: A Study in the Adaptability of a Traditional Hero. By W.B. Stanford. The Classical Bulletin 32 (Apr. 1956): 70.


Rev. of De Veris Principiis et Vera Ratione Philosophandi contra Pseudophilosophos Libri IV By Mario Nizolio. Renaissance News 10 (Autumn 1957): 154-56.

Rev. of Joyce and Aquinas. By William T. Noon, S.J. The New Scholasticism 31 (Oct. 1957): 553-55.

“Moral Scene Through New England Glasses.” Rev. of The American Conscience. By Roger Burlingame. America 6 Apr. 1957: 17, 19.


Rev. of Christian Thought and Action: The Role of Catholicism in Our Time. By Dom Aelred Graham. America 15 Mar. 1958: 701-03.

Rev. of Cultural Foundations of Industrial Civilization. By John U. Nef. America 3 May 1958: 177-78.

Rev. of The Emergence of Liberal Catholicism in America. By Robert D. Cross. Thought 33 (Summer 1958): 296-98.

Rev. of Essays on Individuality. Ed. Felix Morley. America 12 July 1958: 415.

Rev. of The Merchant of Prato: Francesco di Marco Datini, 1335-1410. By Iris Origo. Manuscripta 2 (July 1958): 108-09.


Rev. of The Anatomy of the World: Relations Between Natural Moral Law from Donne to Pope. By Michael Macklem. Manuscripta 31 (July 1959): 111-13.

Rev. of Degrees of Knowledge. By Jacques Maritain. Saturday Review 22 Aug. 1959: 26.

Rev. of The Inward Mourning: A Philosophical Exploration in Journal Form. By Henry G. Bugbee, Jr. Intro. Gabriel Marcel. Modern Schoolman 37 (Nov. 1959): 67-69.

Rev. of Jonathan Swift and the Age of Compromise. by Kathleen Williams. Modern Language Quarterly 20 (Dec. 1959): 383-84.

Rev. of Yes, Mr. DeMille. By Phil A. Koury. America 12 Sept. 1959: 696.